Aden Bridge, Edo State

Construction of the Aden Bridge, between Okada and Ogbogu-Abangbe Spur to Benin-Shagamu dual carriageway, Edo State.

The Aden Bridge project in Edo State is a vital infrastructure initiative aimed at improving regional connectivity. Situated strategically, this bridge serves as a crucial link, enhancing the movement of goods and people within the area. To accomplish this, Miladi Projects Limited has been entrusted with its construction. Employing innovative techniques, we committed to delivering a sustainable solution. By concurrently working on multiple sections and utilizing global industry standards, we minimize environmental impact, extend the bridge’s lifespan, and reduce construction-related disruptions. This project exemplifies our dedication to enhancing infrastructure while preserving the environment and improving community livelihoods.


FERMA Headquarters, Abuja


Aden Bridge, between Okada and Ogbogu-Abangbe Spur to Benin-Shagamu dual carriageway, Edo State.